The wetlab work of team UNICAMP-Brazil was conducted at the Laboratory of Genomics and Gene Expression (LGE) of the Genetics, Evolution and Bioagents Department of the Biology Institute, UNICAMP. LGE is a research laboratory fully equipped for dealing with Risk 1 microorganisms and GMOs. The following laboratory equipment is available at LGE: autoclave for sterilization; laminar flux hood with UV lamp for working with microorganisms under sterile conditions; shakers and incubators for microorganism growth; freezers and refrigerators exclusively used for maintaining culture media and bacterial cultures; specifically designated sharps collection bin; easily accessible instructions on how to deal with contamination events; and log book for recording spills and contamination events. The laboratory has doors with a biohazard sign and access to a specifically designated culture room is restricted to trained personnel. The culture room is provided with a sink and has a controlled environment, without opened windows; its tiled floor can be easily cleaned, and the bench tops are impervious to water and resistant to moderate heat and moderately corrosive organic solvents. Insect and rodent control programs are in effect at UNICAMP.
All of the students involved in the wetlab work were properly trained in microbiological techniques, which include: use of lab coats and gloves; use of protective eyewear when splashes are anticipated; hands are washed after handling viable materials, after removing gloves, and before exiting the laboratory; eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, and applying cosmetics are expressively prohibited in the work areas; mechanical pipettes are used when handling viable materials; procedures are performed carefully to minimize splashes or spills; work surfaces are decontaminated at least twice daily; appropriate handling of sharps is institutionalized; wastes are decontaminated by autoclaving before disposal and appropriate packaging and disposal procedures are institutionalized.
Before beginning the wetlab work, we submitted a project to the Biosafety Agency at UNICAMP, therefore following all of the safety requirements for working with GMOs.