Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/4 August 2009
Cloning of the mgtc promoter into the pSB1A3 plasmid
- Plasmid assembly
- The plasmid digest mix contained: 4μl purified plasmid, 2μl Tango buffer (Fermentas), 0.5μl SpeI enzyme, 0.5μl XbaI enzyme, the solution was topped up with H2O to the final volume of 20μl.
- The mgtc promoter digest mix contained: 12μl purified promoter, 3μl Tango buffer (Fermentas), 0.5μl SpeI enzyme, 0.5μl XbaI enzyme, the solution was topped up with H2O to the final volume of 30μl.
- The digest was carried out in 37°C for 3h, but 1μl CIAP enzyme was added 1h before end to mgtc promoter digest mix 1h before the end of incubation. Then enzymes were inactivated in 80°C for 20min.
Assembly of endosomal detection operon
Task 1:
- Isolate the plasmid containing BBa_B0032 and BBa_C0040 from bacterial cultures and verify the effectivity of the isolation via gel electrophoresis
- Plasmids were isolated using the A&A plasmid mini kit. Detailed procedure of the isolation is described here
Task 2:
- Digest of isolate plasmids with ligated biobricks to verify the success of ligation
- Digest of isolate plasmids using XbaI and PstI
- Reaction mixture composition: 0.5 μl purified plasmid DNA product, 0.5 μl XbaI (Fermentas),0.5 μl PstI (Fermentas), 2 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas), 16.5 μl MQ water
- The reaction was performed three hours and it was subsequently inactivated via heating in 80°C for 20 minutes.
- In the next step reaction mixtures were loaded into the agarose gel to analyse restriction pattern of the plasmids
verification of the restriction patterns
All isolated plasmids do not have insert. The cloning must be performed another time
Task 3:
- Another Cloning of this biobrick
- Ligation mixture composition: 11 μl both digested fragments, 2.5 μl ligation buffer (Fermentas), 1 μl ligase T4 (Fermentas)
- Duration of ligation was about 16 hours
Cloning of p53 coding sequence
Task 1:
- Transformation of chemocompetent E. coli strain DH5α
- Detailed protocol of transformation is described here. The only modification is usage of total volume of ligation mixture prepared 03.08.09
- petri dish will be held in 37°C for 16 hours
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