Team:TUDelft/Conjugation Procedure


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(Section 2: Message Plasmid)
(Section 2: Message Plasmid)
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** [ BBa_E0840] (RBS-GFP-term-term) <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
** [ BBa_E0840] (RBS-GFP-term-term) <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
* Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1: [promoter][GFP generator][oriT] <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
* Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1: [promoter][GFP generator][oriT] <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
* Verify Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1 works. <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
* Verify Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1 works. [ <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>]
* Sequence Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1. <font color=blue><b>**In Progress**</b></font>
* Sequence Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1. <font color=blue><b>**In Progress**</b></font>
* Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2 [promoter][rbs][trbK][rbs][GFP][oriT] <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>
* Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2 [promoter][rbs][trbK][rbs][GFP][oriT] <font color=limegreen>&#10004;</font>

Revision as of 19:20, 19 October 2009

Experimental Procedures

Section 1: Helper Plasmid

Section 1: The Plan

Part 1A:

  • Acquire R751 plasmid
  • Confirm wild R751 conjugation
  • Characterize conjugation efficiency

Part 1B: oriTR knockout

  • Design and order primers needed for λ-red knockout
  • Acquire knockout plasmids
  • Knockout oriTR **In Progress**
  • Verify that conjugation stopped **In Progress**
  • Characterize conjugation efficiency of Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1 with R751 ΔoriTR as helper
  • Send R751 ΔoriTR plasmid to registry

Part 1C: trbK knockout

  • Knockout trbK **In Progress**
  • Verify that conjugation takes place among R751 ΔtrbK cells
  • Characterize conjugation efficiency
  • Send R751 ΔoriT + ΔtrbK plasmid to registry

Part 1D: trbC knockout

  • Knockout trbC
  • Verify that no conjugation takes place in presence of Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1
  • Send R751 ΔoriT + ΔtrbK + ΔtrbC plasmid to registry


The λ-red knockout system was selected as the procedure for doing the knockouts. It had previously been used by several people and demonstrated to work [ lambda red], [ NanoBio] or [ knockout protocol used by Berkeley '06]. Primers were designed following the standard [ procedure]. The following primers were used:





Linear fragments were created using pKD4 (KAN) as a template using Platinum® Pfx DNA Polymerase. See Results page for more info.

Section 2: Message Plasmid

Part 2A: BioBrick Assembly

  • Order DNA synthesis for
    • [ BBa_K175001] (trbK)
    • [ BBa_K175000] (trbC)
  • Verify that trbK expression blocks conjugation
  • Place trbK on standard backbone , sequence , and send to registry
  • Amplify and Transform BioBricks needed
    • [ BBa_I13522] (pTet-RBS-GFP-term-term)
    • [ BBa_I714031] (oriTR)
    • [ BBa_J13002] (pTet-RBS)
    • [ BBa_E0840] (RBS-GFP-term-term)
  • Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1: [promoter][GFP generator][oriT]
  • Verify Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1 works.
  • Sequence Conjugation Testing Plasmid 1. **In Progress**
  • Assemble Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2 [promoter][rbs][trbK][rbs][GFP][oriT]
  • Verify Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2 works. **In Progress**
  • Sequence Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2. **In Progress**

Part 2B: Full Communication testing

  • Electroporate Conjugation Testing Plasmid 2 into some R751 ΔoriT cells creating InitiatorCells (select for presence of both message and helper plasmid)
  • Add InitiatorCells to a culture of R751 ΔoriT + ΔtrbK and observe signal propagation, characterize rate of signal propagation. Look for lethal zygosis issues.
  • If signal propagation observed, do victory dance.

For more information on the cloning strategy of constructing the conjugation plasmids and knockouts check the cloning strategy page