tRNA |
AraC activates the transcription of supD gene, which will produce tRNA. tRNA interacts with animo acids to produce Aa-tRNA, which will be used in the translation process of T7 RNA polymerase. After the translation, tRNA in Aa-tRNA will be released, which will contributes to the enrichment of its concentration. The AND Gate 2 will do the similar effect on the concentration of tRNA. Meanwhile, tRNA and Aa-tRNA degrade in a certain rate. The degradation of tRNA will decrease its concentration, while Aa-tRNA's degradation will produce more tRNA molecules considering the fact that the bond between tRNA and aminoacyl is weak.
| <math>\frac{\mathrm{d}c_1}{\mathrm{d}t}=k_1\frac{(s_1/K_1)^n_1}{1+(s_1/K_1)^n_1}-\gamma_1 c_1+\gamma_2' c_2-u c_1+2\frac{\mathrm{d}c_4}{\mathrm{d}t}+2\frac{\mathrm{d}c_{11}}{\mathrm{d}t}</math>
| c_1: concentration of tRNA
k_1: maxinum transcription rate of tRNA
s_1: concentration of AraC, the stimulus
K_1: microscope dissociation constant
n_1: Hill co-effiency
\gamma_1: degradation and dilution rate of tRNA. Unless notice, "degradation rate" in this model means the combination of degradation rate and dilution rate.
\gamma_2': degradation rate of Aa-tRNA. This process DOES NOT consist of dilution, which will not break down the bond between tRNA and aminoacyl.
u: rate of transformation from tRNA to Aa-tRNA.
\c_4: T7 RNA polymerase, product of AND gate 1.
\c_{11}: T3 RNA polymerase(P2), product of AND gate 2.