Team:Newcastle/Labwork/18 September 2009


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Team Newcastle 2009 iGEM ProbationaryP-Sign.PNG

Formal Lab Session - 18th September 2009

Stochastic Switch Team

Today we did midipreps of the ara transformation and digested 10ul to run on a gel (EcoRI + PstI) Two bands could be seen one for the backbone and one correctly sied for the insert (~200bp) so this midiprep can be taken forward in order to do the ara-sspb double clone.

Today we also made up some fresh DNA ladder as we have had problems with degradation.

  • 40ul of 500ug/ml promega lambda HindIII digest (20ug in total)
  • 280ul H2O
  • 80ul loading dye

=400ul which was aliquoted into 4 tubes; 3 put in the freezer 1 in the fridge.

Metal Sensing Team


Practical Outline

This is the initial list of tasks which need to be carried out by the end of the day:

  1. Start the Bacillus subtilis transformation process ("Day of transformation" steps of protocol) in the morning.
  2. Design primers for checking B. subtilis cotC integration
  3. Plate out some TPA2 cells for production of competent Dh5-alpha E. coli cells
  4. Run digests from yesterday (midi-prep digests) on gel
    1. If successful transform B. subtilis with midi-prep DNA
    2. If unsuccessful prepare another ligation attempt
  5. Carry out a second attempt at digesting the 5 midi-prep samples from the 11/09/09 Lab Session, i.e. cotC-GFP-smtA, kinA, pGFP-rrnB, pMUTIN4 and pSB1AT3


Starting Bacillus subtilis transformations

The team started the first stage of the Bacillus subtilis transformation process by carrying out the beginning steps of the "Day of transformation" section shown in the protocol. If the midi-prep test digest analysis shows that the ligations and the transformation of cotC-GFP-smtA in the pMUTIN4 plasmid have worked then some of the remaining midi-prep DNA can be used to transform B. subtilis when the time is right.

Designing primers for cotC BioBrick integration

Plating out TPA2 cells

Analysing midi-prep digsts

Analysing cotC, kinA, pGFP-rrnB, pMUTIN4 and pSB1AT3 midi-preps

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