Team:Newcastle/Labwork/29 July 2009


Revision as of 15:40, 29 September 2009 by MJR09 (Talk | contribs)

Lab Work - 29/07/09


In yesterday's lab session we conducted mini-preps for three sets of JM109 E. coli cells which contained BioBricks BBa_C0056, BBa_B1002 and BBa_R0077 (seen as we picked three colonies for each of the BioBrick trasnformants there was a total of nine mini-preps conducted). A sample of these prepped plasmids were then run on agarose gel; although the undigested plasmid samples couldn't determine whether the DNA was in fact the BioBrick incorporated within the correct plasmid the gel certainly showed that the samples were consistent (trulin out contamination).

The next step in the lab plan is to digest samples of these 9 mini-preps and then run these fragments on agarose gel by DNA Gel Electrophoresis. As well as this, the team needs to consider another attempt at transforming E. coli with the BioBricks BBa_C0077 and BBa_C0076 (the transformations which didn't yield colonies on LB + ampicillin plates). In addition the team needs to start to freeze down cells which will probably be needed in the future.

Practical Outline

Before the day is out the team needs to carry out the following:

  1. Carry out a restriction digest on the 9 mini-preps using enzymes EcoRI and PstI
  2. Run the digest products on gel through DNA Gel Electrophoresis.
  3. Transform JM109 E. coli cells with BioBricks BBa_C0077 and BBa_C0076
  4. Inoculate tubes containing 5ml LB (+ antibiotic) with the cells that are to be frozen down


Restriction Digests

The restriction enzyme digests were conducted by firstly inserting the following components to Eppendorf tubes:

The solutions involved in the Restriction Enzyme digests
BBa_C0056 BBa_B1002 BBa_R0077
DNA (ul) 1 10 10
Water (ul) 15 6 6
Buffer (ul) 2 2 2
EcoRI (ul) 1 1 1
PstI (ul) 1 1 1

A couple of points to make:

  1. Three colonies were taken from each plate containing BioBrick transformants so there is a total of 9 mini-prep digests - 3 BBa_C0056 digests, 3 BBa_B1002 digests and 3 BBa_R0077 plasmid digests.
  2. It was decided that only 1ul of BBa_C0056 would be digested (as opposed to 10ul of DNA) - this is becasue the gel produced the previous day showed that the DNA concentration of BBa_C0056 mini-prep was really high.

The substances were added in the following order: 1) DNA, 2)Water, 3)Buffer, 4)Enzyme
Because the components of the digest were pipetted against the sides of the 9 Eppendorf tubes, the tubes were spun down for a pulse to mix the contents together. The 9 Eppendorf tubes were then placed in the 37C water bath for 1 hour.

DNA Gel Electrophoresis

Transforming JM109 cells with BBa_C0077 and BBa_C0076

Preparing cells for freezing down




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