EPF-Lausanne/12 October 2009
From 2009.igem.org
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Wet Lab
Digestion assay (with Pst1 and SpeI) in order to check the double transformant -KO strand JRG1046.
We checked 3 clones of each double transformant: RO1.1+BB1 and RO2.4+BB1.
N.B: RO1.1+BB1 clone #1 culture wasn't pink at all
Took image of agarose gel:
RO1.1+BB1 #3 and 6 are double transformants:
( cut RO1 --> band of ~900bp, plasmid-900bp
RO2 --> band of 1.8 kb, plasmid - 1.8 kb
BB --> band of ~ 200bp, 400bp, plasmid - 600bp )
Started protocol to clone the "simple" LovTap into an iGEM plasmid: did the PCR on LovTap with primers that contained the iGEM prefix and suffix
People in the lab
Tú, Heidi