Team:Newcastle/Promoter Library


Revision as of 21:02, 21 October 2009 by Goksel (Talk | contribs)

Promoter Library


As a part of our project we wish to create a library of SigmaA promoters and characterise them based on their stregnths.

Novelty in this sub-project

A library of promoters with different strengths would be very useful for engineering biological devices. Promoters' strength can be compared with their PoPS values. However measuring the PoPS is not a trivial process. We can instead meausure their strengths relatively.


Template used to create the promoter sequences: Prefix...UpSpacer...-35...PromSpacer...-10...DownSpacer..Suffix

Team Newcastle iGEM Promoter Library1.png

Team Newcastle iGEM Promoter Library2.png

  • BBPrefix - StandardBioBrickPrefix EcoR1 and Xba1 - gaattcgcggccgcttctagag
  • UpSpacer - attta - consensus sigA 5 bases 5'
  • -35 - TTGACA
  • PromSpacer - length 17 - consensus ttttatttaaattatga
  • -10 - TATAAT
  • DownSpacer (from ackA)- ggaaaag
  • BBSuffix - Standard BioBrick suffix Spe1 and Pst1 - tactagtagcggccgctgcag


We designed three variances to create library of promoters with different strengths.

  1. Degenerating -35 and -10 sequences.
 BBPrefix...UpSpacer...N-35... PromSpacer...N-10...DownSpacer..BBSuffix
  1. BBPrefix...UpSpacerNN...-35...NNPromSpacerNN...-10...NNDownSpacer..BBSuffix
  2. BBPrefix...UpSpacer...-35... 18N’s...-10...DownSpacer..BBSuffix

Variance 1

In this variance we only degenerate -35 and -10 sequences.

Team Newcastle iGEM Promoter Library3.png

Team Newcastle iGEM Promoter Library4.png

Variance 2

Variance 3

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