Team:Groningen/Project Plan/Elaboration/1
End date: 2009-06-01
Overall objective: The initial design should be made, the requirements refined. Some initial model prototypes should be made to gain experience in modelling.
Tasks per role:
- Analyst
- Change Control Manager
- Role not used (yet).
- Configuration Manager
- Designer
- Facility Manager
- Implementer
- Objective: Have started with preparation labwork. Project requirement, feasibility and detailed project vision should be finished.
- Tasks:
- Which bacterial strains, vectors and genes are needed.
- What equipment is needed, communicate this with the facility manager.
- Are there multiple BioBricks which can be used in case that one does not work.
- Order BioBrick restiction enzymes / ligases (fast-digest, Fermentas).
- Which chemicals / media are needed and can we use them from the MolGen department. Start ordering chemicals/media.
- Try to find protocols for the characterization, to check feasibility.
- Work out a cloning strategy, to check feasibility.
- Try to make a plan with project parts which can be done simultaneously.
- Integrator
- Modeller
- Project Manager
- Public Relations Officer
- Reviewer
- Scribe
- Stakeholder
- Tester
- Treasurer
[Resources needed for the iteration — material, human, financial, and so on.]
Use Cases
[List the use cases and scenarios that are being developed for this iteration.]
Evaluation Criteria
[Functionality, performance, capacity, quality measures, quality goals, and so forth.]
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