Team:PKU Beijing/Project/AND Gate 1/AND Gate Result


Revision as of 16:37, 15 October 2009 by Maven (Talk | contribs)



AND Gate of Shan Shen

This AND Gate is made of luxP-supD & Plac-T7ptag. The typical pattern of this AND gate is like this: (picture from K228119)

This family is the first AND gate family constructed by us, it had made us much more confident about other AND gates which were under construction at that time. This AND gates family contents nine AND gates with the difference on the RBS of the T7ptag: K228119, K228120, K228121, K228122, K228123, K228124, K228125, K228126, and K228127. And these gates are on the plasmid pSB4K5.

In order to test the function of these AND gates, Shan Shen use a reporter GFP under the control of a T7 promoter: K228099. And the reporter is on the plasmid J61002.

Using the E.coli with the reporter plasmid, she transformed the AND gate plasmids into it, and tested them using various combinations of different concentration of IPTG and HSL (homoserine lactone). The result is tested by a microplate reader (Fig 1, 2, 3 and 4. For more detail, refer to our protocol)

fig1. GFP expression of AND gate, K228125: lux-SupD-lac-T7ptag (rbs: J44001). The data are showed for (left to right): 1×10^-9, 1×10^-8, 1×10^-7, 1×10^-6, 1×10^-5 1×10^-4 and 1×10^-3M arabinose, and (bottom to top) 1×10^-9, 1×10^-8, 1×10^-7, 1×10^-6, 1×10^-5 and 1×10^-4M HSL.

AND Gate of Shuke Wu

AND Gate of Guosheng Zhang (The Best)

Other AND Gates
