Team:Paris/Transduction modeling The Fec Operon as used in our system : chemical equations and kinetics


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iGEM > Paris > Reception > Modeling

The Fec Operon in our system

To try and understand our system, we decided to divide the global in simple reactions traducing the chemical steps of the transduction cascade ; each one of these reactions is described with a cinetic law, thus allowing to run both deterministic and stochastic simulation (see here for further informations on these simulations).

Chemical Equations

This trancriptional cacade can be described thanks to simple chemical equations traducing the chronological and chemical steps of our tranduction and activation system.

  • (1) The FecA molecules coming from the vesicules are clowly diffusing on the lipid bilayer of the outer membrane while vesicules are fusioning ; they finally reach the bacteria outer membrane where they are in proper conditions to be able to activate the FeR molecules. This "crossing" from OMV to the outer membrane is explicited as a first reaction :
FecA_OMV -> FecA_OM

  • Then, once in the outer membrane, these FecA molecules are able to activate the FecR proteins constitutively present in the receiver. Here we have two possibilities to describe this step :
    • the FecA molecule directly activates FecR, and the phnomenon is described in a single reaction :
FecA_OM + FecR -> FecA_OM + FecR*

Kinetics Equations
