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iGEM > Paris > Team


Student Team

flefevre : pourquoi aps mettre une photo d'équipe en plus des photos indivduelles ? cela flefevre : je propose qq les etudiant-e-s mettent au moins un lien vers leur formation d origine, et aussi vers un cv en ligne - il faut penser a l apres pour vous - , cela me semble important que de montrer que vous etes issus de formations diverses et que vous ne venez pas d une unique formation comme supbiotech ou mit qq chose !

Chabbert Christophe
AKA "Colonel Chabbert", he is our specialist in modelling especially for an "easy/ordinary" delay system. He likes sciences (really ?? ), his iGEM co-workers ;-), pizzas, burger and ... wait for it .... Coca-cola
Loy Caroline
After 3 months as a cow-girl in the middle of nowhere (Scotland), she decided to make animal experimentation on bacteria =D
Bodinier Romain
Still wondering why he is here ... (Is he looking for a new bacto-foot after the lost of his left one ???). But we may have a proposition of his participation at iGEM....finally we don't.
Boumahdi Soufiane
Every team needs to have "panem et circenses", Soufifi is here for entertaining us. Be careful for the jamboree, The crazy singer is coming !!! stay close to him and you will understand.... hoo year you will.
Olivier Charlotte
Our Obiwan Kenoby of the lab (without the laser saber)!!!
Stoff's note : i may say that she is more like princess Leyla :D
Beauclair Guillaume
Labholic --> working too hard could be dangerous for your health (too much vegetables also). Our 20hour/day lab worker
Aguiton Sara
Social Studies of Science
Please, use simple ethical words when you are talking to a scientist assembly ;-)
Mabarek Lisa
Where are you ??? lost in space ??
Richard Christophe
AKA "Bibi", he can talk to computer (Respect !!!!) but not to iPhone ... what a shame for an iPhone developer
Malfondet Luc
Mr Kebab !!!
Escamilla Pierre
Cafeino-man and modellingo-man.
Spanisho-man and algorythmo-man.
Helas-Othenin Sylvain
Graduation in Chemistry at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris - Interdisciplinary Master in Life Sciences at Université Paris Descartes, Paris mouhahahahahhaha to serious this one ;)
Du Vicard
Uncle Mc Donalds is his best friend


Lindner Ariel

Co-initiator of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (, Ariel is an INSERM tenured senior researcher and director of the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life Sciences ('AIV') master program at the Paris Descartes and Diderot Universities. Ariel has graduated from the Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel) "Amirim" interdisciplinary program with major in Chemistry and received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) in Chemical Immunology for his work on catalytic antibodies as enzyme models, antibody conformational changes and directed evolution. After a research period at the Scripps Institute (California, USA), he received EMBO and Marie Curie fellowships to pursue postdoctoral work in Paris. His study interests evolve around applying Physical, Chemical and Biological approaches to study aging and variability between clonal individuals. Ariel has been leading the Paris iGEM team since its conception over three years ago and cannot wait to bring another trophy home...

Bottani Samuel


Le Fèvre François

Biocomputational scientist
Genomic Institute : Genoscope
French Atomic Energy Commission : CEA

Gregory Batt

INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt


Guillaume Cambray

Pasteur Institute

David Bikard


Fanny Caffin

molecular & cellular biology

Benoit D'Hayer


Yann Le Cunff

Applied Mathematics

Special guest

Some kid of lama guy/girl
she/he (and we voted for she) is our main mascot. Why ? because she is awesome don't you think? She live somewhere in the middle of South America, and mailed us to be our mascot for the year. Thus, we deliberated and agreed with the fact of her super motivation of our iLife page, what a glory for the lama community!
Super-Guest was first in our wiki-team member. Welcome to her !