Team:Paris/15 July 2009
The big boss is here.
10 AM :
meeting time first episode.
After a little cheers on the fact that our project seems not to be so bad but the Pekin team will run over us (they seems to work until 11PM O_o), we had a little overview on our diffrents parts (Yea right ! We need a supervisor for each part on wich we can yell at if it doesn't work !)
We cut our project in 5 parts:
- OMV Production
- Signal Transduction
- Periplasm signal
- Fusion vesicle
- Control mecanism on targeting protein in vesicle
5PM: Meeting strick back !
We did our powerpoint, 3 hours of works on 5 differents teams for a 31 pages presentation... what a mess !
2 idears of Mr When-i'm-here-we-don't-laught:
- why not sending an enzyme into the periplasm which finaly creat a signal in it (eg, cutable signalisation protein witch becam activated)
- why don't we send a working PBP ?