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iGEM > Paris > Home > Synopsis


iGEM Paris Team

Hello everyone! welcome to our wiki. It's the 3rd year for the Paris Team and we're still motivated to do our best. This year we have a team of 13 students (what a luck). We are 6 biologists, 2 mathematicians, 1 computer scientist, 1 sociologist, 1 infectiologist, 1 geneticist, and 1 chemist. We've got the best of the best of the best supervisors like Ariel Lindner, Guillaume Cambray and Samuel Bottani. So... let's the contest begin! (See our team here).

A Message in a Bubble

We aimed developing a long distance communication system between gram-negative bacteria that is based on the ability of these organisms to produce Outer-Membrane Vesicles (OMVs). We designed a framework which can be easily expanded to a lot of different inputs/ouputs. We hope this standardized approach will increase our capacity to manipulate information and/or exchange it between bacteria. This can be used in any engineered biological process requiring transformation or a system of information transfer, including medical applications and bio-remediation.

We did our best to standardize:

  1. the increase of vesicle production;
  2. the system to address proteins to these vesicles;
  3. their fusion with target bacteria. You can find detailed information in our OMV Project description or in our different parts.

By analogy to the Internet Protocol, we called our process a Bacterial Protocol. We found that the title Message in a bubble described it quite nicely. In a simple way, the comprehension of vesicles process sounds like a build of a bacteria language.

For more information on how we came up with this idea, please have a look at our brainstorming area.


Developing an accurate, reusable and versatile communication system between bacteria populations.

Sending a message across the ocean….Outer membrane vesicles naturally produced by gram negative bacteria such as E. Coli are perfect candidates to send long-distance messages. They can be artificially produced by disturbing membrane integrity thanks to the overexpression of soluble parts of periplasmic proteins. Such vesicles contain periplasmic and outer-membrane proteins, thereby providing the opportunity to modulate their content through engineered targeting devices. To do so, we used the OmpA sequence signal and the ClyA hemolysin. An addressing system based on the jun/fos leucin zippers was developed to control the vesicle flux between donor and recipient cells. Once received, the signal from incoming vesicles is transduced down to the cytoplasm through a modified Fec pathway. The setup of a reliable communications systems such as the one we sought to develop has wide biotechnological implications, ranging from targeted drugs delivery and detoxification to advanced division of labor or even cell-based computing.

Our sponsors

Visitors & Collaborations

Thank you Valencia !


  • 28th August : new menu \o/ and 'breadcrumb'
  • 16th August : 1st Biobrick ! [ g3p - BBa K257001 ]
  • 30th July : Input Primers and Strain on the Wiki page here
  • 23th July : First participation of the team in a popularization of science event in Paris.
  • 22th July : Let's start our Informatic tool for Labs manipulation on iPhone. see here.
  • 21th July : template site seems not to work well with IE and FF&Co, so we've got to change some BG but it's not essential right now
  • 20th July : Team image presentation is finish, now let's see what everyone gonna put in it.... Beginning of Labs work !! (finaly)
  • 15th July : NoteBook works, now we've got to fill it with some writting
  • 14th July : Hello ! The Wiki is under construction you may see some funny things, don't worry we'll be functional soon.