Lab Notebook
7 September 2009
upstream restircted !P1 was used for assembly with downstream double terminator. After the assembly the plasmide was electro transformed. Cell are plated on medium containing CAM.
Today I also count the colonies of Tim Weeniks tranformation of Friday 04-09-2009.
Transformation | plate number | number of colonies
!SIII A1 | 1 | 1
!SIII A1 | 2 | 27
!SIII A2 | 1 | 24
!SIII A2 | 2 | 6
!SIII A3 | 1 | 50
!SIII A3 | 2 | 2
!SIII A4 | 1 | 47
!SIII A4 | 2 | 150+
I made 10 overnight cultures form these plates, I picked one colonie from each plate. From both A4 plates I picked two colonies.