Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/28 July 2009


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Cloning of the mgtc promoter into the pSB1A3 plasmid



  • Plasmid assembly


  • The plasmid digest mix was prepared as follows:
    4μl purified plasmid 
    2μl Tango buffer (Fermentas) 
    1μl SpeI enzyme 
    1μl XbaI enzyme
    The solution was topped up with H2O to the final volume of 20μl.
  • The mgtc promoter digest mix was prepared as follows:
    10μl purified promoter 
    2μl Tango buffer (Fermentas) 
    1μl SpeI enzyme 
    1μl XbaI enzyme
    The solution was topped up with H2O to the final volume of 20μl.
  • The digest was carried out in 37°C for 3h. and then inactivated in 80°C for 20min.
  • The digested plasmid was separated on 1% agarose gel.
  • The plasmid backbone was extracted from agarose gel using the GelOut kit (A&A Biotechnology) accrding to the manufacturers protocol (in the total volume of 50μl).
  • The ligation mix was prepared as follows:
    50μl purified backbone 
    20μl digested promoter 
    8μl T4 ligase buffer (Fermentas) 
    2μl T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • The ligation was carried out in 18°C overnight.

Construction of RBS.3-listeriolysin

